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Menehune & Rockin' 60s Contest

A two-day surf event held during the Annual Doheny Surf Festival, the Menehune and Rockin’ 60s surf contests allow surfers of all ages and levels to compete at the legendary Doheny State Beach.

The Menehune contest is the first day of this fun weekend. A contest designed for surfers 14 and under. The Menehune contest gives groms their first taste of competition. These brave little surfers take to the water alone or with the help of a parent/guardian. Catching waves that will fuel their future stoke.

On the second day of the event, we have our annual Rockin’ 60s surfing event. Surfers of all levels and ages take to the water on classic, Pre-60s longboards. They take to the water on boards weighing 25+ pounds and display the skill and courage needed to wield these boards from decades past. Classic surfing at it’s finest.

HOSTING CLUB: Doheny Longboard Surfing Association

LOCATION: Doheny State Beach


During this surfing event, the Doheny State Beach Foundation will be holding its annual Doheny Surf Festival, so please plan accordingly.


June 7

June General Meeting & Beach Clean-Up

July 5

July General Meeting & Beach Clean-Up